Friday, September 16, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

How does it feel to be student of the month?
It is very surprising.
What kind of responsibilities were required to get to this point?
I've done an internship at a vet clinic and I get good grades in everything but math.
Why do you think you were selected?
This school has very low standards.
How do you think your future is affected by this?
I  think I'm going to abuse this power by sending it to all of my colleges.
What kind of aspects go into becoming student of the month?
How do you think people view you now?
They respect me a bit more.
How do you think people viewed you before? 
Do you think their view changed?
I do not think that their view changed. I think they required more respect for me.
What is the most stressful part of being student of the month?
I don't sleep, it's very stressful.
How did becoming student of the month affect you?
It gave me some measure of confidence; I think my teachers are very proud of me/themselves.
How did you find out you were student of the month?
I found out over the announcements.
Do you know anyone else that was student of the month?
I do not.
What do you do in your free time? 
I draw some, martial arts and pet sit for money.
How do you keep up with homework? 
I pull all-nighters and I work on different homework in different classes when we're finished or have extra time.
What extra curricular activities are you in?
Martial Arts.
What do you do differently now that you were student of the month?
I don't do anything differently.
What kind of work did you put in to becoming student of the month?
What are your expectations of yourself? Did they change?
My standards are pretty low, they didn't change.
Who do you think selected you for this position?
I honestly have no idea.
How do you balance all of your classes?
I manage my homework in my different classes during free time.

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